deteriorate|deteriorated|deteriorates|deteriorating in English


[de·te·ri·o·rate || dɪ'tɪərɪəreɪt]

spoil; decline; become worse

Use "deteriorate|deteriorated|deteriorates|deteriorating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deteriorate|deteriorated|deteriorates|deteriorating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deteriorate|deteriorated|deteriorates|deteriorating", or refer to the context using the word "deteriorate|deteriorated|deteriorates|deteriorating" in the English Dictionary.

1. But when family life deteriorates, communities suffer.

2. The hairs are deteriorating.

3. Because during conflict economic policy typically deteriorates.

4. His hearing began to deteriorate.

5. The unused egg follicles then deteriorate .

6. The input impedance also deteriorates at high frequencies.

7. Conditions inside the building deteriorated rapidly.

8. To impair; deteriorate: Jealousy Corroded his character

9. His health began to deteriorate quite seriously.

10. Her physical and mental condition would deteriorate.

11. Back home their relationship started to deteriorate.

12. America's balance of trade has been deteriorating.

13. Corroded: as in deteriorated, disintegrated

14. Too often the significant episode deteriorates into sententious conversation.

15. Alarmingly, the situation could easily deteriorate further.

16. AScope 4 Cysto never deteriorates because you get a brand-new Cystoscope for every procedure

17. Standards of living were deteriorating rather noticeably.

18. The unrest rapidly deteriorated into civil war.

19. The situation deteriorated over the ensuing weeks.

20. Opened vermouth, however, will gradually deteriorate over time.

21. Or do discussions often deteriorate into heated arguments?”

22. Consequently, some patients allowed their conditions to deteriorate.

23. Security situation in Yemen deteriorates further with bomb blast at Aden port today.

24. After that night, the family began to deteriorate.

25. The humanitarian situation is deteriorating all the time.